About me

Eva M. Riess, MA
Life coach & counselor

Eva M. Riess, MA studierte Psychologie an der University of Baltimore, interkulturelle Kompetenzen and der Donau Uni Krems und ist Life Coach & Lebens- und Sozialberaterin in Wien. Mit ihrer empathischen und lösungsorientierten Haltung begleitet und unterstützt sie Menschen mit gebrochenen Herzen in schwierigen und schmerzlichen Lebenssituation. Sie interessiert sich für lebenslanges Lernen und ist derzeit in der Ausbildung zur Psychotherapeutin.


I was born in 1974 as the last of six children in a small village in Lower Austria. A heavy blow of fate shook our family a year later: after the death of my father, my heartbroken mother was suddenly faced with the tasks of caring for her children and her relatives alone. With her courage, confidence and foresight she navigated us through the stormy and painful times of life, instilling these same qualities in us from an early age.

I discovered my love for psychology when I traveled to the USA and studied in Maryland. My time in the USA was very formative. Not only did I obtain a well-rounded education in psychology, but I was also taken in by wonderful au-pair families, to whom I have very warm and nourishing connections to this day.

Shortly after my return from the USA, my son Felix was born. I faced great challenges as a single parent, but was able to overcome them with help from my family, friends and wonderful teachers. I would like to thank everyone who buoyed me up on my journey.

Special and heartfelt thanks go to my aging mother who still nurtures me and all her children and grandchildren as well as she can. Along with the nimble hummingbird, my mother probably best exemplifies heart-healing qualities for me. She often provides invaluable moments of quiet reflection about over sometimes very entangled and painful situations – but magically one comes away with a spark drop of hope and some uplifting ways forward.

  • 1994 – 2001 Cognitive and Humanistic Psychology, Baltimore MD
  • 2003 – 2005 Intercultural Competences, Danube University Krems
  • 2010 – 2011 Systemic Coaching, Academy for Systemic Coaching and Organizational Consulting (ASO), Vienna
  • 2011 – 2012 KEPOS – Institute for Quality Education, Vienna, life coaching/counseling
  • 2019 – ongoing vocational training in psychotherapy, Vienna
  • Wilson Scholarship, University of Baltimore
  • Senior Trainer, PPC Training, Austria
  • Best integration project 2019 in cooperation with “Region Neusiedler See hilft” in Burgenland